Trade Round-Up: Jimmy Smits Joins West Wing

· NBC Universal renews their deal with DreamWorks TV, which gives them first-look rights to all the studio's projects (Las Vegas, Father of the Pride, The Contender). True bonus of the deal: NBC's Jeff Zucker can continue riding on DW's Jeffrey Katzenberg's shoulders to form one full-sized executive. [THR]
· As Seen on Defamer: Fox picks up North Shore for a full season. [THR]
· We've always felt that the West Wing's descent had nothing to do with Aaron Sorkin's departure and everything to do with its total lack of "The Jimmy Smits Factor." Rejoice, the Wing has been saved. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· NBC is bringing you more Olympic coverage this year than all 5 past summer Olympics combined. Luckily, with the current 500-channel galaxy of cable programming, the strange, tiny people doing backflips are easier to avoid than ever.[THR]
· Projectionists turn in pirates and earn a cash reward; MPAA execs go home to laugh about how jailed pirates are going to explain how they wound up in the joint to their homicidal, rapist cellmates. [THR]