Today's New York Times has some truly, uh, interesting articles, the sort that make you choke on your low-carb scone and wonder who, exactly, pitched the concept and, more importantly, what sort of drug they were on. First up: a smashing profile of Fred Bigler, indentured servant chief concierge at the Ritz-Carlton. With no sarcasm or irony whatsoever, we're given a wrenchingly detailed account of how Mr. Bigler loves his asinine job:

Only about 10 percent of those he helps tip him, and he does not expect them to. There are other rewards. "I love the reaction when people come back to the hotel and say how impressed they are with New York City," he says, blushing, "and me."

Oh, Mr. Bigler, you coy little serf, you!
He Makes The Rich And Famous Feel Special [NYT]