Trade Round-Up: Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Whoever We Can Get

· New Line Cinema is planning yet another "Vs." movie, pitting Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash from the Evil Dead movies. If they can't reach a deal with ED director Sam Raimi, the studio will just continue to chase the horror fanboy dollar by pitting Freddy and Jason against Seven of Nine, the bald chick from the first Star Trek movie, or a gigantic jar of Vaseline. [THR]
· Warner Brothers is set to "revisit" their "classic" 1956 horror flick The Bad Seed, finding it far "easier" to "raid their film library" than to "have a new thought." [Variety, sub, req'd]
· Paul Sorvino will interrupt the WB's parade of young, brooding stars with a helping of mature, flabby gravitas as a future president on the upcoming Jack and Bobby. [THR]
· NBC Universal ponders axing Trio in favor of new horror or crime-centric cable network. But first munchkin NBC head Jeff Zucker will have to beat wily Viacom mastermind Les Moonves in a best-of-three-falls tofu-wrestling match for the broadcast rights to the word "crime." [THR]