Trade Round-Up: We Try To Refrain From Boxing Metaphors

· Fox's bad karma might keep their stolen boxing reality series The Next Great Champ from broadcast. In rushing the show to beat NBC's The Contender to air, producers may have violated California boxing regulations. And who was so kind as to deliver this legal rabbit punch (shit, we promised no boxing metaphors!)? None other than The Contender's Mark Burnett and miniature pugilism booster Jeffrey Katzenberg. [THR]
· Jack Black and School of Rock writer Mike White demonstrate that they aren't going to waste their creative powers thinking up a name for their new production company at Universal. Yes, it's called Black and White Productions. Can't wait to see that script for Orange County 2! [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Carsey-Werner-Mandabach back to just plain, old, and boring Carsey-Werner as Caryn Mandabach leaves to set up her own shingle. We hope they help Mandabach tote her collection of Cosby sweaters and crazy Roseanne Barr correspondence out to her car. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Isn't this like putting Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving? Columbia already pitching Spider-man 2 to Oscar voters by sending them passes to see Spidey on the big screen. [THR]
· Today's movie most likely cast by a monkey, and not one of those "smart" monkeys they send into space: Simon Rex joins Paris Hilton in National Lampoon's Pledge This! [THR]
· Sharon Stone,Chloe Sevigny and Tilda Swinton join Bill Murray in the cast for Jim Jarmusch's new top secret movie set to start filming in upstate New York next month. Let's just call it Coffee & Cigarettes 2: Washed Up Sex Symbols, Brown Bunny Blow Jobs, A British Actress With Artistic Integrity, and Bill Murray. [THR]