Trade Round-Up: In Search Of...Indie Film Cred

· Dakota Fanning earns another precocious child role as Kurt Russell's daughter in the DreamWorks project Dreamer. Time is of the essence: She's got to cram in as many of these parts as possible before she deteriorates into that weird space between "child actor" and "jailbait." [THR]
· Oh, now we understand why Brandy is taking Scientology classes. She's signing up for a Fox sitcom, and when it's canceled after five episode, she's going to need the inner strength that only a thorough brainwashing can provide.[THR]
· Sign on for as many indie projects as you like, Piper Perabo, you will always be that awkward Coyote Ugly girl to us, timidly stepping onto the bar for the first time, waiting to unleash your disappointingly PG-rated, drink-slinging tart. [THR]
· Chris "Malcolm's in the Middle's Brother" Masterson is trying to pile up a life's worth of indie film cred this summer. Who does he think he is, Zach Braff? [THR]
· Fox to re-adapt F. Scott Fitzgerald novel Tender is the Night, will pay seven figures if script makes it to production. Though the studio already produced a film version in 1962, the rights had reverted back to the Fitzgerald estate. We can't wait until Fox does the inevitable cafeteria tie in, "F. Scott's Liquid Lunch."[Variety, sub. req'd.]