Trade Round-Up: Return of The Munsters

· Let the strike talk begin anew! The DGA sits down to negotiate with the studios and networks on a new contract, while SAG and the WGA sit by and pray they're not put out of work. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· David Mamet's teaming with the creator of The Shield for a fucking CBS pilot about anti-terrorists, OK? You know pilots, right? You make the fucking pilot, you get me, then maybe they make it into a fucking show? Pilot. Then the fucking show. That's how it fucking goes. [THR]
· Universal is giving The Munsters a "21st century makeover" for a big-screen version of the TV series. The good news: It will stay true to the original characters. But you knew there was bad news—the Wayans brothers are going to write and produce. [THR]
·Two comedy writers have sold a pitch called Infantile, described as a "an uptight management consultant who never had or desired a real childhood until he takes his 5-year-old nephew to kindergarten one day, turning his adult life upside down.." Watch in the coming weeks as it's offered to and then refused by Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Jack Black, and Will Ferrell before it finally winds up starring Rob Schneider. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Finally done with vaccuuming up LAT talent, the NYT hires away Variety critic Charles Isherwood. [Variety, sub. req'd.]