Trade Round-Up: Fox Flogs The O.C.'s Return

· Temporarily adorable muppett Dakota Fanning is in talks to star in a potential DreamWorks "Wonderland" franchise. The deal would include film adaptations of Lewis Carroll books Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. They'd better hurry, before Fanning falls into that unsettling "Haley Joel Osment" space. [THR]
· Unexpected truth in THR headlines: "Bullock might be past 'Prime.'" Sandra Bullock drops out of Prime two weeks before filming due to "script disagreements." Cue the inevitable, obnoxious rhetorical question: She's still acting? [THR]
· Another sign the Apocalypse is nigh: THR projects that Mel Gibson's Jesus-torture flick might move 15 million copies after next week's release. [THR]
· Fox will prepare its audience for the new The O.C. season with two pre-premiere specials: one about the show's pop culture hottness (start counting the Death Cab references!) , and one chronicling a day in the life of its cast members. For example, we learn that Adam "Seth Cohen" Brody and Rachel "Summer" Bilson do nothing in a typical day but travel L.A. in search of conspicuous locales for sickening PDAs. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· The Writer's Guild defends its decision to hold off on a strike (despite toiling four months without a contract) while the DGA does its dirty work. [Variety, sub, req'd.]