Trade Round-Up: David Schwimmer Directs

· The One Where David Schwimmer Finds That Post-Friends Acting Gigs Are All For Ross-like Characters And So Takes Time Off To Direct An Indie Movie: Schwimmer will direct Run, Fat Boy, Run from the script written by I Love the 80s icon Michael Ian Black. [THR]
· Superhack fauxteur director Brett Ratner brought on to ruin the film adaptation of the very cool story of the infamous "MIT Blackjack Team" that took Vegas casinos for millions. At least Ratner will get in some quality gambling time as the movie quickly gets away from him. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Bravo in talks with Bobby Brown for a new reality show about the singer's completely insane, wife-smacking, jail-time-doin' life with possibly cracked-out wife Whitney Houston. Please, Bravo, buy the fucking show! [THR]
· It sent his daughter to rehab, but that doesn't stop Tommy Hilfiger from trying to get into the reality TV act. CBS is thinking of ordering 13 episodes of the Apprentice knockoff for the fashion world. [THR]
· Scarlett Johansson will join Ewan MacGregor for DreamWork's The Island. Michael Bay is directing (we've already said superhack once in this round-up, so he gets a reprieve) so the actors will have little time for a dirty, Benicio-quality fling as they spend every waking moment dodging Bay's army of shaky, swooping cameras. [THR]