MGM Finally Really, Really Close To Sale

Can someone please just buy MGM already? We're getting a little tired of having to read a new, incremental report every day about how this conglomerate or that conglomerate is taking up a collection to acquire The Lion and its film catalogue. Yeah, we know that billions of dollars and complicated stock transactions are involved, blah blah blah. At least today's THR says that Time Warner is this close (picture your thumb and index finger really, really close together) to closing the deal, and our spies at MGM have told us that TW auditors are swarming around in white gloves and checking for dust. Let's get this thing done so that we can happily report on the TW/MGM shitergy brainstorms that will soon follow. James Bond casually reading Time magazine before he chases a super-villain in a flying Aston Martin? The possibilites are staggering.