Alec Baldwin On Suppositories, Shitergy

In a interview with Dark Horizons, the always quotable, delightfully partisan Alec Baldwin describes a horrifying new publicity strategy being phased in at the movie studios, in which actors are actually placed inside the anal columns of the public. Obviously, this has to violate both the SAG collective bargaining agreement and the dictates of good hygiene.
I'm trying to get the Screen Actors Guild to have a conference with the publicity departments of the major studios, to talk about the fact they're taking actors now and kind of inserting them like suppositories into the cavities of the movie-going public.
Baldwin also offers a somewhat rambling example of the shitergy that media conglomerates so desperately crave in this era of consolidation.
When you do a movie at Paramount, and you finish shooting the movie and you walk across the hallway, to go to Entertainment Tonight, which they own, you're doing a television show which the studio owns that they're charging commercial time for that they're earning money on to promote the movie that you just walked off the set of, so the synergistics [sic] are not lost on everyone.