Eisner Under Fire: Eisner Fires Himself...In Two Years

Michael Eisner has announced that he plans on stepping down as CEO/Supreme Emperor Cast Member of Disney, ending his two-decade tenure running the company. Before you gather all of your stuffed Goofy, Minnie, and Donald dolls in the backyard for a tear-soaked memorial service for his stewardship of the Magic Kingdom, realize that he's not set to leave until his contract runs out in September...of 2006—a full two years from now—to ensure there's adequate time to find a successor. Not too long ago, bloodthirsty shareholder mobs were marching on Eisner's office with pitchforks and torches and demanding Eisner's body be dragged behind the Electric Parade; had the board of directors handed Eisner over, we're pretty certain they would have come up with a replacement in less than two years. The good news: This extended national mourning period/farewell tour should give Eisner plenty of time to officially install as CEO the Frankenstein Mickey Mouse doll that's secretly been running the company for the last five years.