Trade Round-Up: Basic Instinct 2 Back On Track

· Now that all those chiefly involved have gotten the "let's sue each other" bug out of their systems, Basic Instinct 2 is back on track. Michael Caton-Jones (City by the Sea) is in negotiations to direct, taking up the challenge of making an upskirt shot of a much more, um, mature Sharon Stone seem hot. [THR]
· Americans have apparently tired of Bravo's style homos rummaging through their underwear drawers and exposing their tragically unfashionable skid-marks, as Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is suffering a massive second season ratings drop. [THR]
· Fox signs Dave "Insomniac" Attell to a development deal. This could be a perfect match; Fox also has Tara Reid under contract and Attell's thing is following around drunks and making fun of them. [THR]
· VH1 orders another season of The Surreal Life after a strong premiere, continuing the important public service of reminding us week after week why these people should immediately be returned to obscurity after VH1 is done torturing them. [Variety, sub. req'd]