Trade Round-Up: Happy Homecoming On Will & Grace

· Homecomings are always so sweet: Will and Grace creators David Kohan and Max Mutchnick return to the set for the first time since NBC invited them "not to show up" after they filed a lawsuit against the network. The lawsuits are still pending, and we're sure the W&G writing staff is super, extra thrilled to have Mutchnick and Kohan hanging around again. [THR]
· CBS deploys its newest instrument of Jerry Bruckheimer franchise evil, CSI:NY, to win Wednesday night. Somewhere, Les Moonves is cackling maniacally and giving his teeth an extra victory-polish. [THR]
· The FCC votes to levy the maximum penalty against CBS stations for the Janet Jackson incident,
bringing the total up to $550,000. Somewhere, Les Moonves shrugs off the news and gives his teeth an extra polishing just for staying classy. Also, he orders a random MTV staffer killed. [THR]
· Never underestimate the nerd economy: The Star Wars DVDs and video game, released on Tuesday, have already taken in 115 million worldwide. [Variety, sub, req'd.]
· Mark Burnett teams up with Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia to develop a primetime series, presumably after the domestic empire builder/celeb inmate is released from jail. We expect a rote Apprentice knockoff, but maybe they'll at least get creative with the title. How about Mark Burnett Presents: Martha Stewart's I'm Not Going Back In, You'll Never Fucking Take Me Alive!? [THR]