Governator Loves The Entertainment And Porn Industries

From the LAT, breaking news: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is fond of the industry that made him a multimillionaire, international star, and gave him enough exposure to indulge his political ambitions. He's showing his love by fighting runaway production and piracy, and, no doubt, personally answering every mash note he receives from head movie-biz pimp Dan Glickman.
"It's great we have someone in the political world who was so involved, engaged and knowledgeable about the economic issues affecting the entertainment industry," said Dan Glickman, head of the Motion Picture Assn. of America.
Indeed, it's really got to be a lobbyist's wet dream to have a puppet—excuse us, "an engaged and knowledgeable" leader—controlling the state where virtually all of the entertainment industry's product is produced? What we really learned from the LAT piece is that the Governator is also a fan of porn-friendly legislation, presumably because everyone's seen his dick and he's an avowed gang-bang fan. It's incredibly refreshing when a powerful man doesn't forget his roots.