Eisner Under Fire: Everything Is Great!

In their nearly daily update on all things Disney, the LAT reports that embattled, glacially-retiring CEO Michael Eisner thinks things are all rainbows and teddy bear hugs in the company. Better yet, he assured investors that when he finally turns over the keys (read: messy suicide), the fun won't stop. "It's in my interest that when I leave, the company is in good enough shape that it will take a decade to screw it up," said Eisner, before pulling his Mickey ears down tightly on his rigid brow. "And on the day I step down, I'm going to scale the Matterhorn and summon the mighty winds of Hurricane Ben Franklin. The sky will open and the entire Magic Kingdom will be washed away in a purifying deluge of hundred dollar bills. Yes, everyone will perish in the flood, but my beloved Mickey shall live on."