Hollywood Trial Of The Century, Day One: Nothing Happens

The Disney shareholder lawsuit (heretofore referred to as the Hollywood Trial of the Century) over Michael Ovitz's tumultuous, wildly lucrative, and abbreviated stay at the company kicked off yesterday in the sleepy town of Georgetown, Delaware. The opening day of the trial that is "captivating Hollywood" (according to the LAT) featured scintillating action such as Disney lawyers questioning the qualifications of a law professor critical of the company's board of directors and "grilling" her on her "methodology." Captivating stuff indeed.
We'll continue to bring you coverage of the Hollywood Trial of the Century as the proceedings unfurl over the coming days. We're confident that as the litigation drags on, the lukewarm procedural drama of "qualifications" and "methodology" will give way to Ovitz leaping across the defendants' table to either strangle CEO Michael Eisner or clinch him in a passionate embrace. Stay tuned!