Trade Round-Up: Whedon Out Of Ideas

· Greg Kinnear signs on for Paramount's remake of The Bad News Bears. Maybe we're guilty of drinking the Billy Bob Thornton Kool Aid, but we're allowing ourselves to get excited about this one and pretending that Paramount's not going to find a way to fuck it up. We know, we know...they'll pull it out at the last second and release it the Friday before the Super Bowl. [THR]
· Fox gets the best Game 2 World Series ratings in a decade, slowly phases out plans to kidnap the Cardinals and have the Red Sox play a team of teenage leukemia patients to pump up the drama. [THR]
· Indie film producers rejoice as Bush signs a bill giving tax breaks to movies made in the US, momentarily forgetting that they hate the President and his administration.OK, now they're back to hating him again. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Buffy creator/fanboy Messiah Joss Whedon pulls out of his deal with 20th Century Fox TV because he has "run out of series ideas" and saying "I'm not interested in taking money that I don't earn." Did no one explain to him that the whole purpose of an overall deal is to collect paychecks from the studio while pretending to be thinking up new series ideas? The whole system is coming apart at the seams! What's next, agents acknowledging they're parasites and drowning themselves en masse in the Pacific? [Variety, sub. req'd.]