Are Scientologists trying to indoctrinate susceptible New Yorkers through the always-captivating advertising in our subways? And dare they use our beloved subway centennial as an entry point? A disturbed reader writes:

Am I the only one whose noticed that one of the centennial posters is a big ad for Scientology? I saw it at the 23rd St. F/V station last night and had plenty of time to study it (late train of course). It is a stylized depiction of crowds of people in the Times Square Station - one of the American folk art style things. On the left side of the poster is a guy sitting in front of a sign advertising the book Dianetics and offering free "stress tests" at a folding table. A happy father is taking one with his kids looking on. Throughout the crowd are people with web addresses on their t-shirts, all of which are related to Scientology. Did the MTA actually pay to produce this cult ad?

Our advisory: stay strong and avoid these advertisements; keep your eyes to the ground. As if you hadn't already been doing exactly that.