Hollywood Trial Of The Century: Ovitz Pines For Eisner

In a bizarre, yet poignantly romantic, turn of events in the Hollywood Trial of the Century yesterday, Michael Ovitz lamented the disintegration of his very, very close friendship with Disney CEO Michael Eisner.
I never will understand how a guy that lived with me, and a guy and his wife who lived with my wife and I, could be with me so much, and then [contend] that I'm a liar, that I have a veracity issue, that I'm a psychopath.[...]
So from my standpoint, I live to this day with a 25-year hole in my life and seven or eight of the worst years I've ever had in business, or personally, or anything else. Because of this situation where I went into a partnership with a man I was already a life partner with in an odd way, as a friend, and expected it to be a home run. And it was a nine-inning ballgame in about three weeks…. And I live with that every day, and it's not going to go away.
The jilted Ovitz teared up as he described his behavior in the aftermath of their life-shattering breakup. While he explained that he doesn't regret covering Eisner's Lexus in Post-It notes asking his former soulmate why he stopped calling, or his continuing wistful, boozy midnight drives by Eisner's mansion, he admitted that sneaking into the house and boiling Pluto was probably taking things too far.
The pain fades eventually, Mike. The pain fades.