Hollywood Trial Of The Century: Fish Out Of Water Edition

As the Hollywood Trial of the Century marches on with arguments about CAA's payments to Michael Ovitz while he flailed through his ill-conceived presidency at Disney, the LAT pauses to sketch a picture of the Hollywood Bizarro World that is the sleepy town of Georgetown, Delaware:
The waitresses are not looking to slip you a résumé and head shot, no one is wearing Prada, everyone's waistbands are worn at their waists and Botox is clearly not available anywhere nearby...[B]ailiff Rocky Justice took some ribbing when he was quoted in the local paper as saying that most folks in town didn't know either Michael — Ovitz or Eisner — from a hill of beans.
Even worse than the dearth of easily available face-paralyzing toxins, the offensive sartorial sensibilities of the locals, or the unwelcome barrage of folksy sayings: No room service! [Ed.note: Shades of the horrifying Cannes hotel strike.] Our hearts go out to our entertainment industry brethren who are forced to endure these repeated indignities by the vagaries of our judicial system. Hopefully, they can all pull through with an acceptable number of suicides from the despair induced by eating Chinese chicken salads with dressings from plastic packets.