Sherry Lansing Leaving Paramount

The LAT reports that Sherry Lansing, chairwoman of risk-averse remake factory Paramount Pictures, will step down after her contract expires at the end of next year. Like all studio lame ducks who want to watch every last contractual dollar transfer into their bank accounts, Lansing will hang around the lot long enough to help look for a successor. But it won't be so easy to fill the "pioneer" Lansing's coon-skin cap, as Columbia head Amy Pascal notes that "She's been a pioneer … making movies that nobody else would make. She always listened to her inner voice." These days that inner voice was telling the trailblazer to go around planting her flag in other people's old movies, like The Stepford Wives and The Manchurian Candidate. And maybe it's time for us to completely beat this metaphor into the ground by saying it's a good thing she's getting off the wagon train before the new corporate Injuns scalped her.