Miramax Can Still Party

A reader at the LA.comfidential blog reports from Miramax's American Film Market party at Akwa. The Max might be lean and mean these days after laying off just about everyone whose name doesn't begin in "Wein" and end in "ein," but they know their core business is still sucking up to talent at parties and convincing them to work cheaply.
[T]he highlight of the evening was the entrance of the Weinstein brothers and Kate Beckinsale. Radiant in a gold dress, she stopped quite a few conversations. She was gracious to the throng around her angling for face time. However, Harvey made it less than pleasant for the peasants that tried to engage him in chit-chat. Was his attendance predicated on chatting up potential suitors in anticipation of his impending divorce from the Mouse House? He and Bob hid away in the back VIP room for the rest of the party.
Hiding in the VIP room was probably a good move. Harvey and Bob probably wouldn't want any awkward encounters where they were forced to order a martini refill from a former employee.