Hollywood Trial Of The Century: Order In The Court!

Tuesday's testimony in The Hollywood Trial of the Century revealed that erstwhile superagent Michael Ovitz demanded a $50 million signing bonus to become Disney's president. (To illustrate, that figure is roughly 75 percent of CEO Michael Eisner's fund for negotiating with the families of Disneyland guests who found Donald Duck to be feloniously handsy in the buffet line at the Character Breakfast.) An agent posturing to get more money than he can rationally expect? Shocker.
Today's real HTOTC news is in Page Six, which describes a strange form of trial-spectator Tourette's that seemingly afflicted NYT reporter Laura Holson as she listened to testimony in preparation for her highly entertaining Ovitz hit-piece in last Sunday's paper. But we really can't fault her for a couple of ill-timed outbursts—she probably forgot to adjust the setting on her bullshit detector from "lawyer" to "agent."