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LA Weekly's Nikki Finke reports that Michael Ovitz hasn't exactly been pinning NYT reporter Laura Holson's coverage of The Hollywood Trial of the Century to his fridge. Ovitz's displeasure and behind-the-scenes maneuvering might have led to today's Page Six item about Holson's um, disruptive behavior in the courtroom:

But sources say Ovitz hasn’t liked her coverage of the trial during which testimony has portrayed him as a – GASP! – cheat and liar. LA Weekly hears that Ovitz’s lawyers have tried to put heat on the NYT about Holson’s reporting, and especially about her dredging up that Vanity Fair giggle about Ovitz railing against Hollywood’s "Gay Mafia" for bringing him down.

Ovitz himself tried to corner her at the trial to complain, but the paper is having none of it. So now a nasty little gossip item about Holson suddenly shows up in the NY Post’s Page Six. Lest anyone forget, Ovitz’s PR flack for years was Howard Rubenstein, who reps the New York Post.

Has Ovitz really lost his touch so badly that he's resorted to planting stories of mildly weird behavior? Back in the good ol' days, when he was the Most Powerful Man in Hollywood, he would've commissioned a Harvard case-study accusing Holson of being the model for Sybil, leaked it to the NYT, and arranged for Glenn Close to play her in the movie remake.