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· Kevin Spacey's is so firmly in the thrall of Bobby Darin after making Beyond the Sea that he's performing Darin's music at the Wiltern with an orchestra. Obviously, Spacey wanted to give THR another opportunity to run that picture of him getting friendly with a microphone. [THR]
· Brett Ratner signs on to direct and executive produce the Fox drama pilot Prison Break. He's wasting himself on television. We firmly believe that Ratner's hacky gifts need to be writ large on a silver-screen canvas to be truly appreciated. [THR]

· Clooney and Soderbergh's Section Eight plans a Ten Commandments-themed miniseries for FX. This idea, of course, assumes that Val Kilmer's stage interpretation hasn't forever destroyed all belief in the commandments. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Skittish ABC affiliates run scared from airing Saving Private Ryan and its "more than three dozen utterances" of the f-bomb, fearing FCC fines. [Variety. sub. req'd.]
· The Matt LeBlanc-produced, untitled Dennis Hopper sitcom gets a script commitment from NBC. Hopper will star as a "free-spirited" Dad who lives with his daughter and her husband. We hope it goes and makes it to episode 7, where Hopper is caught drilling a peephole in their shower while tripping his face off. [THR]