Hollywood Trial Of The Century: Eisner's Lost Letter To Ovitz

Yesterday, in his seven-hour testimony in the Hollywood Trial of the Century, Disney CEO Michael Eisner continued his account of how an "arrogant" and "abrasive" Michael Ovitz quickly wore out his welcome in the company. Eisner described some bizarre emotional outbursts that compromised Ovitz's ability to be an effective leader, but attempted to gloss over a weak moment of his own.
At one point, Eisner downplayed a rambling, undelivered letter he wrote to Ovitz raising questions about his truthfulness. Eisner called the letter a "bad attempt at 3 a.m. to conjure up a legal brief on why he should leave." He described it as "silly hyperbole" and "insensitive."
Thanks to our incredible network of spies, Defamer has obtained a "copy" of the lost "rambling, undelivered letter," which is reproduced after the jump:
Mike 2 (Ovitz),
Herewith and forthwith, with all of the powers granted me as Chief Executing Officiator of the Walt Disney Company, I hereby Urge you, the company's President, to please leave the Company immediately and without Prejudice and Malice, vis a vis the legally binding power of a Resignation Letter, a Resignation Memo, or, if it were more expedient for the President's interests, a Resignation Handshake or Awkward Resignation One-Arm Hug, tendered immediately to me, your superior company officer. Your boss, let's just say it.
OK, I'm all out of legalese. And no, I am not drunk. Not. Drunk! It is 3 a.m., yes, and I am writing you this letter because I am concerned about your welfare and the welfare of this company, not because I have had four (OK, five) glasses of brandy to help me sleep. Not d-r-u-n-k.
So, will you quit? I love you like a brother, better than a brother, really, because sometimes brothers hate each other. Think about the Civil War, where brothers sometimes shot each other. But I love you, and so...quit, OK? Things really aren't working out, and quitting will make everything feel better.
Quitquitquitquit. Pretty please?
I sleep now.
Your pal,
Mike 1 (Eisner)