In honor of the upcoming holiday, Fashion Week Daily asks some of our favorite socialites and fashion wanks what they are thankful for this year. While no one is so frank as to thank the sloppy Mexican border, the answers are still nothing short of heartwarming:

Holly Dunlap, designer, Hollywould: Frequent flier miles. I can now fly business class for the first six months in 2005.

Hamish Bowles, editor at large, Vogue: I ll have to get back to you on that one. There are too many things on my mind at the moment.

Kristina Stewart: Dancing on a regular basis with Fabian Basabe.

Fabian Basabe: My massive manhood. The Post got it all wrong.

Sally Albermarle: Our wonderful new nanny, Jenelle. She started yesterday and she s fabulous.

And we're thankful for our chatty New York notables, who remind us of the things that really matter.
Being Great-ful [The Daily]