Graydon Carter's 'Architecture Consultant' in Jeopardy
cityfile · 03/18/09 08:45AM
These are difficult times for Condé Nast. AdAge reported yesterday the publishing giant is planning to slash the ad sales group managed by Richard Beckman; today, Keith Kelly of the Post reports some of the company's flagship titles have seen a 30 to 40 percent decline in revenues, and the company has "taken a dagger to its corporate pension plan" in order to reduce costs. Meanwhile, the Observer's John Koblin reports chairman Si Newhouse and CEO Chuck Townsend have asked editors to trim their discretionary budgets (which includes items like messengers, first-class airfare, and car services), and says a broader round of job cuts is inevitable. Of course, it's hard for any editor to trim his or her own staff—and it can be difficult for top execs to take a step back and see the absurd spending when they're so close to it.
Star Turns
cityfile · 02/19/09 07:45AM
Did you know that Elle editor-in-chef Robbie Myers had a tiny part in Caddyshack when she was 18? It's true. ("The director, Harold Ramis, picked me out of the crowd. I had a very small role, but it was a huge hit at college parties," she says.) Were you aware that Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter appeared in Alfie? Or that Richie Rich made a cameo in Zoolander? Fashion Week Daily went digging for some little-known (and occasionally embarrassing) performances by members of the fashion/media elite. You can see the full collection by clicking on the photo above. [FWD]
It's Official: Condé Nast Is Cutting Costs
cityfile · 01/15/09 12:24PM
A couple of weeks ago, the Post's Keith Kelly reported that execs at Condé Nast were growing increasingly concerned about the company's bloated Web budget. Well, it looks like they've figured out one way to trim costs: recycle content from other publications! Last fall, The Daily published a chart of famous fashion figures ideally suited to top jobs in the new administration. Today, published... a chart of famous fashion figures ideally suited to top jobs in the new administration. It's very nice to see that both The Daily and agree that Donna Karan should be Secretary of Health of Human Resources. She really would be a perfect fit. (We've always thought mandatory Kabbalah classes in public schools is just what this country needs right now.) The idea of Donatella Versace as Secretary of Defense (The Daily), or Karl Lagerfeld as Secretary of Transportation ( Fortunately, both are foreign citizens, so you don't have to worry about those scenarios just yet.
Breaking! 'Fashion Week Daily' Reporter Falls Off The Runway
Emily Gould · 02/08/07 10:50AMAngry Blogger-Hunting Mob of Debs & Dandies Sets Gustatory Bounty
Chris Mohney · 11/27/06 04:10PM
Joining the chorus of twittering from those wishing to out whoever's behind Socialite Rank is Fashion Week Daily's Peter Davis. That's him on the right, licking the masked head of socialite portraiturist Eneas Capalbo. Supposedly, Davis sent around an email offering a 12-person dinner at the Waverly Inn (of all places) as bounty for anyone who will reveal the names of those running Socialite Rank. If true, and if you got Davis' email, forward it our way. Our reward offer is one child-size order of fish sticks from Starvin' Marvin.
And a Thousand Teenage Girls Go Running for the Toilet
Jesse · 02/07/06 06:02PMIn Bed With the Blogstars
Jesse · 01/23/06 04:30PM
Oh, yay! More fun with the Opinionista! Step three, by our count, in her carefully orchestrated coming-out — and, Christ, are we the only ones any more who came out chaotically, late one night, after far too many Sapphire-tonics and several hours of a very collegiate meaning-of-life conversation? — was, according to the Observer, when "she posed in a nightgown for a spread on female bloggers for a future issue of Fashion Week Daily."
So Much Thanks
Jessica · 11/23/04 02:33PMIn honor of the upcoming holiday, Fashion Week Daily asks some of our favorite socialites and fashion wanks what they are thankful for this year. While no one is so frank as to thank the sloppy Mexican border, the answers are still nothing short of heartwarming: