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MTV announced yesterday that they've signed up Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson for another season of Newlyweds, but maybe they're just trying to make sure they get the relationship-ending murder-suicide on tape. Sister site Gawker has an e-mail from a PA working the Rockefeller Center's tree-lighting show that shows a marriage on its last legs—it looks like it's all over except for the flying china and attempts to invalidate the pre-nup. Here's Lachey's response to a request for extending his intro for his lovely wife:

"Let's see what could I say.......Do you really want me to tell you...... Not too many nice things to say about her (this is [we] started sweating and getting uncomfortable)... How about she was the best stocking I ever stuffed?" He then proceeded to say, "She was the best chimney I've ever come down on."

If the acting and singing things don't work out, at least Lachey's got a real future writing holiday-themed porno dialogue.