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We won't even get into the irony of Star magazine naming the Most Annoying People of 2004; apparently, annoying means "profitable for AMI:"

1. Britney Spears/Paris Hilton
2. Anna Nicole Smith
3. Star Jones Reynolds
4. Ashlee Simpson
5. Cameron Diaz
6. Lindsay Lohan
7. Sir Elton John
8. Gwyneth Paltrow
9. Michael Moore
10. Bill O'Reilly

We could spend hours meditating on the implications of a Paris/Britney tie for first place, but we'd rather question the conspicuous absence of certain editors who unquestionably merit a coveted spot on the list. Since when has Bonnie Fuller been one to shy away from a little self-promotion?
The Most Annoying People Of 2004 [Star]