Jeff Zucker, Fat Actor

The LAT reports that NBC Universal head/golden-boy-in-decline Jeff Zucker's been bitten by the acting bug, taking a role as himself (he needs to get his feet wet before tackling something like Streetcar) on Kirstie Alley's Showtime series, Fat Actress:
Is that Jeff Zucker playing with his Game Boy while chatting on the phone with one of Hollywood's top agents and then forgetting his name? Is that him cursing in the hallways of NBC, in utter disbelief as Kirstie Alley walks by? Is that Zucker, the president of NBC Universal Television Group, yelling at her agent on the phone, "You are such a liar! She is so fat." Yes, yes and yes. [...]
"That he [Zucker] agreed to do it was not that surprising," said "Fat Actress" executive producer Brenda Hampton. "That we got such a great performance out of him was thrilling. "When we saw what he could do, we just kept adding to it," she said. "He was so comfortable in front of the camera, and he was genuinely funny."
It's great that Zucker is developing some hobbies to take his mind off his network's ratings dive; nothing constructive is accomplished by clutching a signed Friends cast photo, losing entire days to crying jags and daydreams about how long it would take for someone to find his body.