Short Ends: Flack Firm Still Bleeding Clients

· Tom Hanks joins the litany of A-listers who are fleeing Pat "The Iron Flack" Kingsley's PMK/HBH like her old-lady hair is on fire and she's holding an armload of dead puppies. Leslee Dart, it seems, holds only living, adorable puppies and uses a flame-retardant hair product.
· Beware! That Santa Claus in your crosswalk may be the fuzz! [via LA.comfidential]
· Craigslist never fails to provide creepy outlets for all of your on-camera ass-kicking impulses.
· A lawyer sues the Governator and Skeletor over some mold and tennis courts in a house he bought from them.
· For reasons we cannot possibly fathom, red-carpet-loving nutcase Bai Ling has knee bandages with Jude Law's picture on them.