Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Lunching With The Housewives

Hollywood PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are sent in by our readers. Send yours to tips@defamer.com and ensure that Teri Hatcher feels bad the other Housewives are dining without her.
In today's enormous episode: Marcia Cross, Eva Longoria, and the "all-natural" Nicolette Sheridan grabbing lunch; Jude Law eating lunch alone; Scarlett Johansson being hit on and shopping; Justin Timberlake shopping; Hilary Swank and unregonized hubbed Chad Lowe at the Grove; Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore; Jon Voight (x2); Nicolette Sheridan; Eddie Griffin, Suge Knight, and Busta Rhymes; Mandy Moore; Mare Winningham, Chris Weitz, and Nicole Richie; David Cross; Samaire Armstrong; Pharell Williams; Victor Garber, Valerie Harper, Joel Grey, and Lucy Liu; Eric McCormack; Anna Nicole Smith; Nick Stahl; Lance Bass, Jeremy Sisto, and Marlon Wayans; Jeremy Sisto again; Jeff Probst and his Survivor consolation prize winner; Elizabeth from The Apprentice and Dave Navarro; Tracey Gold; Tori Spelling; Randy Spelling; Tammy Pescatelli.
· happened to walk by bar on four at Neimans in Beverly Hills today (12/14) and spotted a trifecta of Desperate Housewives: Right to Left, Marcia Cross, Eva Longoria, and Nicolette Sheridan... SO GOOD! Marcia looked just like she does on tv: her eyebrows have apparently been lifted by the designer of the tallest building in the united states, camel colored prim and proper sweater, etc, but she seemed super cute and friendly, smiling at people around her, etc. Eva was in the middle, the smallest person I have ever seen, wearing no makeup, but looked great, and Nicolette, well, let's just say she had her large "look at me! NO! don't look at me!" sunglasses on for about 50% of the time she was there. But when she took them off, she looked much better than she does on tv, thin and about as 'naturally' pretty as she could be. Nicolette is sooo Sheri-Ann from "Best In Show". I was waiting for a large white standard poodle to materialize at her side. Despite rumors to the contrary, they seemed to get along swimmingly, talking and laughing the entire time.... The irony of the situation was the sheer number of real-life desperate housewives eating at the bar around them. I think they were taking notes.
· I saw Jude Law eating his lunch alone at the food court at that new development on La Brea and Santa Monica (the one with the Best Buy and Target). He was wearing a worn out pink (formerly red) baseball cap. It seemed like he was just people watching and trying to account for anybody that noticed him. I checked him out a couple of times while I was eating my lunch, and he definitely caught me looking. Then I felt like he spent the rest of the time watching me eat my gyro. Kind of uncomfortable - maybe he was turning the tables.
· saw Scarlett Johansson walking in Runyon Canyon with a friend. Some doofy guy was trying to pick her up by saying how cool his dog was. She didn't have any makeup on and she was GORGEOUS, skin like cream. I relayed the Scarlett sighting to a magazine editor friend, who confirmed that when their magazine shot her, almost no retouching was needed — she's FLAWLESS.
· Saw Scarlett Johansson in the shoe dept. at Neiman Marcus, looking exactly like she always does in photos. Full denim outfit: hair back, miss sixty jeans, denim jacket, and tan leather chanel flats.
· I was in that horrible part of Beverly Hills, near Barney's where you can't park unless you are in some parking mafia; I was going to my bank which is in the UTA building and standing outside is a very thin, "classy by comparison" Justin Timberlake. The people who noticed him at first were the security guards, then the 40 year old angry-agent types, then the 20 year olds. The last to notice him was the 13 year old who carried Barney's bags. Way to hit your core market Justin. Not two minutes later I saw Stephen "too cool for school" Root, of Office Space driving on Rexford and Wilshire.
· hilary swank and chad lowe on 3rd street, doing a little shopping @ polka dots & moonbeams (vintage, darling). both of them remarkable for their unremarkableness. also, tyra banks having lunch @ off vine. pulled up in a white lexus. wavy reddish hair, not much make up but still foxy, with a couple other pretty ladies (one was her mom - we know this from our unhealthy obsession with america's top model). yes: all were eating.
· Saw Chad Lowe and Hilary Swank on Sunday at the Grove as well. First saw Chad. He looked very chummy while walking- smiling the whole time, looked like he had a spring in his step. Then saw him about an hour later walking around with Hilary. Both are very short.
· Spotted Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf off Ventura and Whitsett in Studio City on Monday (12/13). He had a large mocha ice blended with no whip and seemed irritated and taken aback when the girl behind the counter asked his name for his order. He gave the girl the name "Christopher" and rushed out of the store as soon as he got his order. It should also be noted that Judy Reyes from Scrubs is a bit of a regular
at said Coffee Bean. She always seems pretty nice and takes the time to say hello to people who recognize her.
· Over the weekend, Jon Voight strolling through Puzzle Zoo at Westfield Shoppingtown, looking extremely tall and crisp (and rather grayer than you'd expect) in a very conservatively cut dark blue suit. He could have been Xmas shopping for Angelina's kid, but was carrying only a bemused smile.
· On Saturday night between catching a showing of Closer and Blade 3 (what, I have eclectic tastes) I saw Jon
Voight milling around the lobby, looking at the movie posters. He had a suit on, was really tall and super old-looking! No estranged goddess daughter in sight tho.
· I was shopping at Beverly Center last night and (literally) ran into Nicolette Sheridan outside of coach. I was surprised I recognized her in something other than a towel, but she was very pretty - way better looking than on tv. Really very nice.
· After a WGA screening of The Life Aquatic, oddly attended by sullen American Beauty boob-displayer Thora Birch, I saw unfunnyman Eddie Griffin drinking at The Four Seasons on Doheny, first with a table of agents and managers and then with some homeboys. Before they left, he got into a hilarious fight with a drunken girl. She called the girl he was with a "He/She" (though she might have had her comic 'Eddie's' mixed up) and then told him to take that hand out of her face because he'd be needing it later when he went to bed alone. He yelled back at her the whole way into the parking lot, where he greeted the gigantic Suge Knight and Busta Rhymes. The blue hairs of The Four Seasons were all busy making reservations elsewhere.
· Saw Mandy Moore perusing the sweaters in Abercrombie & Smith at the Grove. She's cute, skinny - looking nondescript in a pair of jeans and a little tiny ponytail. Was shopping with a balding, middle aged man in a Polo shirt who looked like her dad. Never had much of an opinion of her, but her dad looks like mine, which makes me like her. She seemed nice enough, though she did ask Daddy to ask the salesmodel what was on the second floor. (More overpriced, shitty crap.)
· Lunched at Nozawa last Friday, encountered a bounty of celebs - one old school, one indie and one more famous than the others but for little reason. Had Mare Winnnigham (Georgia, St. Elmo's Fire) and her hippie-ish clan of kids at the next table, I can still feel her fire burning in me, burning in me. Next there was the freakishly tall star of gay stalker movie Chuck and Buck - Chris Weitz (yeah yeah, he also directed About A Boy and American Pie) making nice with Universal execs lunching around the room and finally itty-bitty Nicole Richie lunching with someone Ted C might have referred to as a "gabby gal pal." NR was small and looked post-workout with the tousled hair and a sportbra under her white tank top. Not that I was staring for an uncomfortably long time or anything...
· I just got off an american airline flight from LAX to JFK with david cross. sitting in first class. chilled out in cargos. got off the plane and grabbed a coffee at the JFK starbucks. waited the 45 minutes watching the offered CNN with the rest of us for the luggage to come out. when it finally did he grabbed the wrong red suitcase and when he tried to put it back on a crowded belt he had a chuckle. he headed out and grabbed a yellow cab. I wonder if he reads this and wonders what fellow passenger thought it so amazing that they had a david cross sighting? my boyfriend suggested I run up to him and scream 'shut up you fucking baby'. alas, I did not.
· Saw your girl samaire armstrong at the 3rd night of marilyn manson ... Very pleasant, but I could not help thinking damn the camera does wonders. I know it was Manson, but she looked a little torn that close-up. I shouldn't be saying this though, because compared to the rest of the riff-raff goth-gone-wrong crowd, she was a beauty, or at least someone who has a decent day-job. More on the third night of Manson: they were confiscating spikes at the door.
· Saw Pharell Williams of N.E.R.D, etc. shopping on Rodeo yesterday. He was rocking some red camo print hoodie, and shopping with someone wearing a matching hoodie and a very large bodyguard wearing a startrack jacket. He is teeny tiny.
· got invited to the Kirk Douglas Theater in Culver City to see opening night of this play The Paris Letter by a friend who gets to go to openings alot so I thought I'd go and check it out, not expecting anything. Well, we got there early and got to watch all of these stars coming in to get their tickets - I found out later that Neil Patrick Harris (aka Doogie!) and Ron Rifkin were in the cast - maybe that's why everybody from the TV show Alias was there: Victor Garber and Bradley Cooper - so cute! Also spotted Joel Grey (looks like Ron Rifkin) and Valerie Harper (she's had lot's of work done!) After the show (which was really good), I am all of a sudden literally face to face with Lucy Liu and she says hi to me! SO nice and normal and beautiful! Also, I won't say who - but let me tell you - there are some body parts to check out in this show. Talk about a star sighting - you get the WHOLE Doogie!
· Spied Eric McCormack at Pulp, buying assorted poncy paper items and gift-y trinket-y things. He was with two very regular-looking people, one of whom kept holding things up and saying, "Errrrriiiiic?" He looked tired and seemed somewhat aggravated, although he was nice enough to the people in the store. I bet he had a cranky hissyfit as soon as he got in the car.
· So, I was shopping for Christmas presents at the extremely unglitzy Glendale Galleria. I was in the Apple store standing in line ready to pay for my computer games and I sensed a commotion around me. I looked up and for some inexplicable reason, there stood Anna Nicole Smith in full costume and heavy make-up (icky skin - but the geeky clerks didn't care) posing, oh I mean paying for some purchase. She was surrounded by a photographer, a pretty boy highlighted assistant who scurried around her carrying her little miniature doggie in a dirty pink dog carrier purse thing, and some kind of bodyguard type person. Of course, she was hard to miss in tight black stretch pants, black boots, and corset type black top with an unswept hairdo. She was very, very thin — and greatly ENJOYED the attention. I have to say she seemed very nice. Then she posed on the upper balcony taking pictures with the common people and everyone started to gather below - looking up at our tarnished Glendale star!
· Saw Nick Stahl at the grove barnes and noble. Tried to go up the down escalator. Seemed to take a while to realize it was wrong. He's freakishly short and skinny. My sidekick camera should be killed for breaking. Also, on the none celeb front, it seems as though the grove is the place to be if you're a midget.
Sunday afternoon, watching a little football at Barney's Beanery on Santa Monica, who should walk into the bar but the NASA-disapproved Lance Bass. Wearing a green tee and a green bracelet, he hetero-ed it up with some guy friends. Then, JC Chasez's Gap commercial came on. I wonder if Lance is jealous? Later on Sunday, at the ultimate celebrity spotting joint, Elton aka Jeremy "is he or isn't he cut" Sisto waiting in line for popcorn at The Grove theatres, looking scruffy and not at all like he does in my fantasies. On my way out of the movie, there was a Wayans spotting. At first, I thought it was a Damon, but then I realized it was, in fact, the elusive Marlon with some serious bling in his ears. He was fully accosted by a fan.
· At the packed-as-a-sardine-can Grove last night, trying to run a mundane errand at the Apple store, saw a pudgy Jeremy Sisto chatting very intimately with the O.C.'s Navi Rawat (she plays Theresa who may or may not be carrying Ryan's love-child).
· Spotted the recently outed duo of Jeff Probst and Julie Berry leaving Mexicali in Studio City last night (Monday 12/20). Not sure if they ate there, drank there, or left because the wait was too long. They were very into each other, and Probst had his arms snugly around the naked sunbathing former Survivee.
· Ventured over to the Westside from the wilds of Eagle Rock on Saturday and had two celebrity sightings: walking around near Rodeo and Beverly in that faux Italian village place (what the hell is that, anyway?) we passed Elizabeth from The Apprentice heading into Armani looking suitably startled and red-eyed like a little bunny. Then heading up Beverly spotted Dave Navarro eating outside a restaurant — he was alone, chewing with his mouth open and talking on his cell. This was all too much for us and we quickly scurried home to the Eastside.
· Working in Valencia, it is not common to run into a celebrity on your lunch hour. However, one Tracey Gold a.k.a. Carol Seaver was definitely pushing a shopping cart through Target this afternoon. Apparently, she's over the anorexic/bolemic thing as she was actually normal sized. She was pushing her kid and buying the Christmas trimmings like giftwrap.
· Saw Tori Spelling and New Husband at the Farmer's Market on Sunday. Only reason I noticed Tori was because of my aunt saying "who is that hideous girl in the incredible clothes?" She was of tiny stature, but normal looking height.
· C-lister (potential D-lister) Randy Spelling made an appearance at Dimples in Burbank last night to watch some karaoke. I was hoping he would sing so I would have a real sighting, but instead he just watched as those standing behind him. tried to look over the top of his hair which adds at least 5 inches to his height.
· Saw d-lister and former Last Comic Standing reject Tammy Pescatelli at Canter’s Deli at around 2:15am. She looked nicely put together and was talking a lot with her hands. I was pretty drunk and thought about saying something hostile, but there was a bowl of vegetable soup and bagel chips that require my immediate attention.