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Intrade, the "stock exchange" which handles everything from weather to elections, has put up its major category Academy Awards odds. The money is heavy on Aviator and Scorsese; Million Dollar Baby is riding its extreme buzz pretty strongly though, and pulling along Eastwood right behind Scorsese. They're totally buying the Jamie Foxx hype, too, which makes us want to give Paul Giamatti a greasy, self-hating hug. And insanely, they've got Leo DiCaprio in third place for Best Actor. Whatever.

They've also got Annette Bening in first place for best actress—but would she really win for a great performance in an insanely forgettable, nearly totally un-seen movie? Intrade has Hilary Swank and Imelda Staunton (likewise, also a good performance in a crappy film) trailing Bening.