Celebs Pitch In While Lindsay Lohan Jabbers About Her Chest

MSNBC's Jeannette Walls reports that Leonardo DiCaprio is joining the tsunami relief effort. Bully for him, celebrities care, etc etc. (Apparently, he's the only one harboring fond memories of The Beach). The Kabbalah Centre, meanwhile, is rushing 10,000 litres of their magical water to the tsunami victims. Rimshot coming: They've also pledged 50,000 tons of enchanted Kabbalah rubble, 400 tons of blessed Kabbalah splinters from ruined bungalows, and 15 bags of
of wet sand personally touched by Madonna.
Lindsay Lohan, on the other hand, is once again yammering about how totally, 100-percent, like, real her breasts are. Did she mention they're not fake?
“I developed very late in high school,” the Mean Girls star tells Cosmo Girl. “When I was 16, I still had baby fat. I didn’t get my chest until I was 17, so that made me feel insecure. I used to feel like I had to stuff my bra.”
She's really doing the readers of Cosmo Girl a disservice by coming up with these elaborate stories to explain away her sudden "blossoming." She should be preparing them for the realities of life in terms the kids can understand. Like using tales of the Breast Fairy, whom little girls who want big girl careers visit in his castle in Beverly Hills.
- The Scoop (second item) [MSNBC]
- HPWSE: Paris, Lindsay, And The Curious Case Of The Disappearing Sidekicks [Defamer]