Tom Freston Thinks Everything Is Super Great At The New Paramount!

In an e-mail to his media conglomerate serfs, Viacom co-president welcomes new Paramount chairman and CEO Brad Grey into the fold and ushers in a new era at the studio. Either someone (read: Les Moonves) stole Freston's thesaurus, or he took twice his regular dosage of Wellbutrin, because everything seems great to him. There's the "great news" that Grey is coming aboard, and Paramount is in "great shape" with "great momentum" from the "great recent hits" SpongeBob and Lemony Snicket. Had enough positivity? The great-alanche continues, with Freston heralding Grey as a magnet for "great people" and "great ideas" with a "great feel" for the marketplace.
With the studio in such, er, great shape, who even needs Brad Grey? Dadgummit, Positive Tom is gonna will this studio back to respectability! Someone should probably follow Freston around for the rest of the day, just to make sure that he doesn't explode from happiness, showering the entire Paramount lot with rainbows and Care Bears.
Freston's e-mail follows after the jump. So great!
To: Viacom Employees
From: Tom Freston
Date: January 6, 2005
I wanted to make sure you saw this morning's great news that Brad Grey, former head of Brillstein-Grey, a top talent management firm and TV and film producer, has agreed to join Viacom as Chairman and CEO of The Paramount
Motion Picture Studio. It couldn't be a more exciting development for our movie business-and for all of us at Viacom-to bring in an executive who has such an impressive array of creative and business credentials to help us realize our vision for the studio. Paramount is in great shape these days with great momentum going. There is a strong new team in place and a lot of positive energy with two great recent hits under their belt with "SpongeBob" and "Lemony Snicket."Our top priority is to make Paramount even better than it is today-to make it the best place and the first choice for creative talent, both in front of and behind the camera. I feel Brad is the perfect executive to lead us there-he is a hitmaker, a strong manager and has been a highly successful entrepreneur. Brad has strong relationships across the industry and
historically has been a terrific magnet for great people and great ideas. He has a great feel not only for what audiences want but also how to make the best possible creative and financial choices.Brad is an innovator who will take the talent and opportunities already in place at the studio and the momentum that Sherry Lansing and her team have generated and take it to a whole new level.
Please join me in welcoming Brad.