Trade Round-Up: Yes, Everyone's Still Talking About Brad Grey

· News Corp. offers to buy what we thought it already owned. Who can makes sense of these multimedia conglomerates? [THR]
· The ink is dry on his new deal, so let the naysaying begin: Can the experience-impaired, TV veteran "outsider" Brad Grey hack it at Paramount? Who knows, but it's giving people ample opportunity to rationalize about "transferable skills." [THR, Variety, sub. req'd.]
· SAG and producers unions take an indefinite break from contract negotiations. Stall all you want, actors, you still ain't getting any more DVD money. [THR]
· Nearly every cable network but the Food Network is desperate to pay through the nose for watered-down Sopranos reruns. The bidding starts at $1.8 million per episode. [Variety, sub. req'd.]
· Dan Rather's 60 Minutes Wednesday Memogate results in at least four heads rolling at CBS. [THR]
· National Film Critics fall under Clint Eastwood's lockjawed spell, choosing Million Dollar Baby as the year's best. [THR]