Hollywood Trial Of The Century: Delaware Ain't Hollywood

With the Hollywood Trial of the Century resuming for its final week, we're reminded how inhospitable the quaint Delaware town that's hosting the proceedings is to fancy Hollywood outsiders:
Georgetown, whose surrounding county has more chickens than anywhere in the U.S., according to state data, has tested the out of-towners' ingenuity in several ways. With no dry-cleaning services at the hotel where they are staying 21 miles away in Rehoboth Beach, the lawyers representing Ovitz were forced to ``ship clothes for two months,'' said Mark Epstein, a partner at Los Angeles' Munger, Tolles & Olsen.
Hopefully, the local hospitality industry's utter inability to meet the legal team's simonizing needs won't be grounds for a mistrial. Despite the town's lack of creature comforts, residents have tried to make their guests feel at home by recreating the ceremonial bloodsport that CEO Michael Eisner uses to open Disneyland each morning:
During [Michael] Ovitz's testimony, a local radio station hired two people to dress up in mouse and duck costumes — an acknowledgement of Disney's famous cartoon characters — and stage a fight in front the courthouse.