Desperate For Product Placement

Now that Desperate Housewives is a bonafide, world-beating megahit, the product placement vultures are circling. KB Home, maker of fine tract housing, want to brand the houses of the Wisteria Lane, where everyone's favorite outrageous homemakers kill their neighbors, pop their pills, and pork their vaguely ethnic, jailbait gardeners. You know, just like people that would want to live in KB homes! One problem, though. The houses on Wisteria Lane have, like, history and shit:
Each house on the show — which is shot on the Universal Studios back lot known as Colonial Street — carries a rich heritage and unique design. For example, Bree's abode was in the now-defunct NBC series "Providence" and Lynette's manse can be seen in the 1951 classic film "Bedtime for Bonzo." Also making appearances are the old "Leave It to Beaver" house and "The Munsters" hangout.
Eh, what's a little history between a studio and a corporate sponsor willing to write a big check? Universal shouldn't let sentimentality get in the way of a good money-making opportunity. Bring in the bulldozers! Gardener-banging will feel special again in a sparkly, new tract house, without all of those monkey ghosts killing the mood.