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While other media outlets fret over What The Golden Globes Mean For Oscar, we turn to Defamer Special Correspondent Pantheon Zeus to take the temperature of the powerful West Hollywood Gays and sort out the awards show buzz for us. Zeus took some time out from his busy schedule of surfing to file this report:

The Abbey's Ice bar (sponsored by Finlandia) was rocking with soundbytes from those entertaining know-it-alls affectionately known as " West Hollywood Gays." We listened closely:

· "Sideways? who cares....4 heteros in wine country. BOOOOORING"

· "There is a lot of good buzz about Annette Bening in Being Julia, but her frozen face & rehearsed speech at Golden Globes was a little too Norma Shearer for me, and voters may pass...though, if she had the Kevin Huvane CAA machine behind her she would be a shoo-in. Not sure if she is one of Huvane's leading ladies?"

·"The voters will think Swank did more ACTING! Compared to others in her Clint Eastwood over-the-top melodrama."

· [SPOILER ALERT] "Hillary Swank's star turn as yet another white trash woman who overcomes the odds, makes it big, then, well, dies, was fab. Hillary is from a real trailer park, so nobody does better skank than Swank (except maybe Juliette Lewis)." [END SPOILER ALERT]

· "I liked Million Dollar Baby—though Ms. Swank/Lowe (love her as we may) owes her career to ass-kicking-
trailer-trash-transsexuals-with-hearts-of-gold-who-die-a -tragic-death-anyway across this great land. I for one would love to see her make a triumphant return to the franchise that launched her career. Title it The Karate Tranny and call it a day."

· "Swank's manliness I can overlook. Her distracting lisp, on the other hand, was completely unexpected."

· "I want Cate Blanchett to win. Her Kate Hepburn was "raaallly I dooo" perfection."

· "I loved Finding Neverland ... and even though Johnny Depp was his usual brooding, boring self -sitting off in the corner, I would have liked to see him give a speech at the Globes. Maybe at the Oscars he'll get up."

· "I don't understand how the divine Ms. Kate Winslet was nominated for Spotless Mind — personally, I like her better trussed up in petticoats and dying some slow, early, unnatural death as she tugs our collective heartstrings."

· "At the Golden Globes, didn't Charlize "Monster" Theron resemble "Edna" from The Incredibles with that new jet back black bob/shag of hers? A lovely woman but GIRRRRRRRRL ...!"

· "Leo is out. Good performance in a boring as hell film. I couldn't get into all that aero techical stuff. Add to that his lackluster acceptance speech at Globes, and he can kiss the Oscar goodbye."

· "I think Leo should win...even if they didn't show us 'really crazy Howard' with Fu Manchu fingernails and kleenex boxes as slippers, he was still great."

· "I could not get over seeing Leo instead of Howard for nearly 1.5 hrs! It was very difficult for me...But the crazy scenes "locked in the room"... and "Kate at the door" were clearly Oscar clip material. Overall, I'd give the Leo the Oscar... even though I haven't seen Ray...Jamie Foxx will probably get a newcomer's best nod/award for supporting actor in Collateral instead. Remember, they didn't give Bette Midler an Oscar for her first big knock-out celeb impression in The Rose!"

· "The Academy may just say chill out to young Leo and newbie Jamie Foxx and give it to consistently creative Johnny Depp instead—for Finding Neverland, but really it's for career achievement."

· "As long as Mel Gibson is shut out, I'll be happy."