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We're still asleep—heck, we're still drunk—but it's our drunken duty to post the Oscar noms and go back to bed.

Please note that over at Endeavor NY, Bonnie Bernstein is punching the bloody hell out of some sheetrock. After all she's done for Paul Giamatti! Poor, poor Bonnie. Her phone calls will go unreturned for years.

Anyway, expect a really well-catered pro-Giamatti riot (with a fairly decent guest list) to erupt in Park City once everyone stumbles out of the beds of random strangers. As one reader put it: "Paul Giamatti should start looking today for a script in which he plays a retard, a cripple, or a Holocaust survivor. That's his only road to Oscar!" Yeah, playing ugly and self-hating only gets you so far these days.

Also? That Mike Leigh movie sucked—and we love us some abortions. But c'mon. An hour of making tea followed by an hour of weeping? What a joke.
Live-blogging the Oscar Nominations [Gawker]
Oscars Snub-a-thon 2005: They Was Robbed! [Gawker]
Oscar Nomination Aftermath: Giuliana's Personal Banda Aceh [Gawker]