Nobody's Watching Jeff Zucker

You may remember that NBC-Universal head/fading golden boy Jeff Zucker recently agreed to show his acting chops and poke some fun at his image by guest-starring as himself in the upcoming Kirstie Alley trainwreck Fat Actress. Now Zucker's tumbling down the slippery slope of pop-culture punchlines, as his name has been appropriated for a TV network president character in a WB sitcom pilot fittingly named Nobody's Watching. (If your mind isn't yet sufficiently blown, the pilot was originally developed at NBC. Oh, the balls!) Unfortunately, the WB is expected to change the name if the show makes the schedule, but we sincerely hope that "Zeff Jucker's" essence as a once-proud programming world-beater who's watching his Must-See empire crumble around him is left intact. Also, he's still bald and short.