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Realizing that no one actually watches the Screen Actors Guild awards (it took only ten seconds of E!'s red carpet coverage to send us scrambling for a Room Raiders rerun on MTV), they've helpfully transcribed the acceptance speeches on the official awards website. Here, Jamie Foxx gets lost in the moment and does some Oscar pandering, then realizes that he might want to mention something about the statue that he was holding:

I tell you this story, I was in D.C., and it was for the Black Caucus, and we screened this film. And a young black kid stood up, and he had a jersey on, and he had his bling-bling on, and everybody was wondering, "What is this kid gonna say," 'cause it was like the question and answering.

And he said, "Foxx, do you think this might like give you a nom, or somethin' like that?" And he said, "a nom," and he was talking about the Oscar nom, or Screen Actors Guild, and it was beautiful to see the education that's going on with this film, because everybody's getting on board with this. So, thank you for that. [applause]

He might want to tighten up that speech a little before the Oscars. In the rewrite, maybe the little kid can stand up and say, "Hey, Foxx, if they don't give you the Oscar, I'm gonna melt down my bling-bling and make you one myself." There won't be a dry eye in the house.