Marcia Cross On The View: I'm Not Gay, I'm Just Happy

The TiVo is on the fritz, so here's our incredibly shoddy transcription of Marcia Cross's first few, damage-controlling, lez-rumor-denyin' minutes on The View:
Barbara Walters: There is a big rumor about you, that you are gay...
Marcia Cross: I'm happy!...I assume this is what becomes from being 42 and single...maybe people are looking for a reason I'm not married.
One of the other View hens: [gets right to the point and asks her if she's a lesbian]
Marcia Cross: No! I don't understand the fascination about people's sexuality... What a world we live in where that's so important...
So there you have it, a denial straight from Desperate Housewife herself. We could barely see Cross's publicist crouched behind her chair, working the actress like a very hetero puppet.
Excuse us while we retire to the bathroom, where we will castrate ourselves for having watched even two minutes of The View.