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Variety reports that copies of DisneyWar, which was rushed to market three weeks ahead of schedule, are flying off the shelves of west side bookstores:

Some Los Angeles bookstores sold their stock of "DisneyWar" in one day, including Dutton's locations in Brentwood and Beverly Hills, as well as Barnes & Noble at the Grove. Each bookstore got roughly 80 copies and has already put in a new order for the weekend.

"I wish we had more of them. We got some Wednesday and sold out within an hour," Dutton's general manager Ed Conklin said. "We got more in today, which also sold within an hour.

"We knew it would be a big book, but we had no idea it would be this big," Conklin said. "Obviously, this is an industry town. People were buying multiple copies."

People were buying multiple copies? There are a lot of obsessive Disney fans out there, huh? If we were into spreading rumors, we might muse that the books are almost selling faster than Michael Eisner can say, "Buy me every goddamn copy of that book that you can get your hands on!" But you know us, we'd never spread a rumor that we can't confirm.