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It's so nice to see that the Drudge Report didn't opt for a histrionic headline and instead chose to faithfully capture the tone of Oscar host Chris Rock's outrageous remarks in huge type. And an additional fist-bump to Drudge for not using the term "hip hop" to describe Rock, though we suspect he was too busy wiping the splooge off his keyboard to bother getting into the race thing.

An excerpt from Drudge's "exclusive" is after the jump, featuring "inflammatory" Rock comments and predictable "outrage" from a nameless mogul. If you don't click through, we'll summarize Drudge again: Chris Rock really, really believes that only fags watch the Oscars. Gay gay gay. Got it?

"I never watched the Oscars. Come on, it's a fashion show," Rock recently declared.

"What straight black man sits there and watches the Oscars? Show me one!"

Rock added: "Awards for art are f—-ing idiotic." [...]

"Simply put, this is a disgrace," one veteran Hollywood mogul, who asked not to be identified, said from Los Angeles.

"This guy is out there saying 'awards for art are f—-ing idiotic' and he is hosting the show produced by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences? I guess the joke is on us!"

Oh! We just knew the black guy was going to be trouble!