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The Crooks and Liars blog has a video clip of Matt Drudge's appearance on Hannity & Colmes last night, in which Drudge took his internet fixation on Chris Rock's comments that "only gays watch the Oscars" to the fair-and-balanced airwaves of Fox News. An excerpt is transcribed on the blog:

Hannity: Did you talk to Chris Rock for this story. Did you get in touch with him?

Drudge: No, because there's simply enough out there.

When Colmes asked him if he was using his website to try and get Rock removed:

Drudge: Oh, I don't know....

Colmes: you have an agenda?

Drudge: No, I don't...I..I..I...

Sensing an opening in Drudge's stammered denial, host Colmes took the conversation in a sexier direction**:

Colmes: Do you think about Rock frequently?

Drudge: I don't know...I...think about Rock?

Colmes: Do you ever, you know, think about Chris Rock clutching that little, bald-headed guy, you know, the Oscar, in his hand as he talks about how gays are the only ones watching the awards? Is that what this is about?

Drudge: I...of course I don't...think of Rock taking it in his hand...I mean the Oscar, of course!

Colmes: Oscar, yes. The award.

Drudge: Oscar! The award! No, I don't think about Rock grabbing Oscar and angrily shaking it, or, you know, gently stroking it even, while he talks about gays...but if you think about it, Rock might get so worked up trying to be so so-called "edgy" that he might put it—the Oscar—in his mouth and bite off the head.

Colmes: Well, that certainly would be a bit much.

Drudge: [sighs] Yeah...but, you know, he might do that.

[**We hate to think that we have to explain this, but nothing after the asterisks actually aired on Fox News. We obtained it by stealing Matt Drudge's innermost thoughts with a magical closed-caption button on our TiVo remote.]