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In the future, every background-dancing, dual-bastard-siring, pop-star-marrying goldbricker will be famous for 15 minutes. Stereogum transcribes some of the chihuahua-clutching action:


Britney: Nothing gets to him ... Not my man. And that's why I married him, because he's not a shallow motherfucker Hollywood actor-guy.

Kevin: Yeah, baby!

Britney: I've met grown men in this business that are a lot older than Kevin and they think I'm this dumb blonde, because I'm quote-Britney Spears-unquote. Men in Hollywood are just — oh, my God, it's horrible. Babe, am I talking too much?

Kevin: Yeah, go away. [He laughs and hugs her.]

The happy couple shared a knowing laugh before Spears peeled off a hundred-dollar bill, tucked it in his pocket, and was allowed to stay to add her thoughts on the possibility that he's only with her for her "Benjamins":


Details: People think Kevin is with you for your money.

Kevin: Oh, yeah.

Britney: Well, time will tell, motherchuckers...

Kevin: What you hear about in all those bullshit-ass magazines is bullshit.

There's nothing quite like an adorably bastardized swear word for proving the the purity of one's love, mothachucka.