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Not content at having one of their own as the face of the MPAA's anti-piracy campaign, stuntmen are instigating for their own Oscar category (of course, they're way too late to get in this year):

"Stunt performers are the only faction of the movie industry that must literally risk their lives for the sake of their art," the groups wrote in a joint statement they will release next week. "The talent and expertise that is required of a stunt coordinator to be both creative and safe is enormous and highly deserving of academy recognition."

There's nothing that Hollywood likes less than when behind-the-scenes types start getting uppity and demand recognition for their work. What's their next demand, that on-screen firearms be loaded with blanks? If the stuntmen make too much noise about getting their own award, the studios might just go back to the old days, when each time one of the leads had to fall off a building, they'd grab the nearest guy without a SAG card and toss him over the edge.