Trade Round-Up: Columbia Wants Will Smith To Come

· After seeing the big numbers generated by Hitch, Columbia seeks to prove that Will Smith can open anything by trying to buy him a superhero story with a title (Tonight, He Comes) ripped from the gay porn aisle of the local sex shop. [Variety]
· The House passes legislation sharply upping indecency fines, helping to keep America safe from any future exposure to pop-star nipples encased in metal shields. This is for the public good—Bono had planned to show his man-titties at the Grammys, but backed off when he heard Viacom might get fined. [Variety]
· Pilot season is great, everyone gets a job! William Baldwin, Adam Goldberg, Rachel Leigh Cook, Swoozie Kurtz, and Chris O'Donnell all stay off the bread lines by being cast in a variety of pilots. [THR]
· Chemistry like theirs can't possibly be captured in just one film: Sahara co-stars Matthew McConaughey and Penelope Cruz will reunite in the love story The Loop. [Variety]
· After finding that there's nothing left to blow up, director Roland Emmerich vows to get more serious, even contending that The Day After Tomorrow had a message. That message? Only the dreamy eyes of Jake Gyllenhaal can stop global warming. [THR]